Friday, July 27, 2007

Branding Basics | Part 2: Selling Your Brand

In Part I we discussed the importance of creating a company identity in the minds of your clients and potential clients – in other words, branding to sell. This article is about the next step – selling your brand. When you’ve established good, consistent branding, you can focus your marketing not only on the product or service you’re selling, but also on the customer experience - the feeling evoked by your branding.

Selling your brand means more than simply selling products or services. It’s selling customers on who you are. Getting them to buy into your image greatly increases the chances they will return.

Let’s say you sell office supplies. This may seem straightforward, but, like in any industry, there’s always a way to differentiate yourself. If you have set yourself apart by selling higher quality merchandise than your competitors, your marketing materials should have a more elegant look. Your brochure might resemble monogrammed stationery. If, on the other hand, you want to market yourself through your low prices, then your materials will emphasize price and bargains. Marketing material should be nice, but “no frills.”

Of course, price isn’t the only way to differentiate yourself - there are a million more strategies. For every strategy, there is at least one great marketing approach. The secret is to give potential clients a sample of your company’s style, a taste of what they can expect, and current clients a reminder of why doing business with you is so great.

© 2007 Visage Creative Business Services, Inc.