Monday, March 24, 2008

Sizzle or Fizzle?

You only have one opportunity to make a first impression – and often your business card is it. Does yours sizzle or fizzle?

Your business card is more than a name and number. In an instant it projects an image – and when it comes to your company's image, "good enough" just shouldn't be.

At Visage Creative we take a sincere interest in our clients' needs and success. We know your business is important to you. And, we REALLY don't want you walking around with cards that fizzle.

So, from April 1 through April 30, 2008, we're offering an incredible business card makeover deal that includes 1000 full color printed business cards for only $195.00 (that's a $327.00 value). Schedule your makeover today – call us at 480.471.6393.

© 2008 Visage Creative Business Services, Inc.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Three Savvy Saving Strategies

Three ways to slash spending without skimping on style:

Co-print with another business
In the world of printing, bigger is often better. Coordinate with another business that's needing a piece similar to yours. By having your pieces printed together on a single print run you can split the cost with your "print partner."

Make your words timeless
Show off your product or tout your services while avoiding information that is dated or likely to change -- thereby avoiding the cost of printing updated pieces. For instance instead of "18 years in business" you could say "In business since 1990." You might also consider leaving pricing off your piece, and use a less-expensive pricing insert that you can change as your prices change - without reprinting the entire piece.

Scrutinize samples or proofs
Before giving the go-ahead to your graphic designer or printer, double check even the most basic information such as phone numbers and the spelling of names. Take that extra moment to make sure everything is accurate and laid out the way you want it. Re-proofing, re-printing and re-revising all mean re-spending!

© 2008 Visage Creative Business Services, Inc.